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Progress indicator

A progress indicator shows where a user is in a linear, multistep process. The interactive variant also allows users to return to previously completed steps.

Live demo

      This live demo contains only a preview of functionality and styles available for this component. View the full demo on Storybook for additional information such as its version, controls, and API documentation.

      Accessibility testing status

      For every latest release, Carbon runs tests on all components to meet the accessibility requirements. These different statuses report the work that Carbon has done in the back end. These tests appear only when the components are stable.


      Progress indicators help manage a user’s expectations when completing a multistep process. They show which step the user is currently on, the total number of steps, and overall progress in completing a task.

      Example of progress indicator used in a payment UI

      When to use

      • When the user is working through a linear process that can be organized into three or more steps.
      • When the user could benefit from understanding their progress on long forms such as eCommerce checkouts, onboarding, or visa applications.
      • When user inputs should be validated before progressing to the next step.
      • To complement standard back/next navigation in a linear sequence.

      When not to use

      • When a process or form has fewer than three steps.
      • When the process may be completed in any order.
      • When the number of steps may change based on conditional logic.


      DefaultAllows users to see where they are in a linear, multistep process.
      InteractiveAllows users to return to a previously completed step.



      Progress indicator anatomy
      1. Status indicator: Communicates if a step is completed, incomplete, not started, or has an error. See the status indicator pattern for guidance.
      2. Active step line: Indicates completed steps and the step the user is currently on.
      3. Label: users a word or two to communicate what the user will accomplish in each step. Numbering each step also makes the progression more obvious.
      4. Inactive step line: Indicates incomplete steps as well as steps that are in an error, disabled, or skeleton state.
      5. Optional label or error label: Shows that a step is optional or in an error state.


      Progress indicators can be in vertical or horizontal position depending on the use case and the structure of the UI. When possible, arrange the progress indicator vertically for easier reading.

      Example of a progress indicator used with vertical alignment


      The progress indicator component is often used in forms. Forms can be placed on a full page, in a modal, or in a side panel.

      IMAGE TK: Get high res image. Likely needs design work first.

      Examples of vertical and horizontal progress indicators in products

      Checkboxes in a form should be placed at least 32px (layout-03) below or before the next component. Spacing of 24px (layout-02) or 16px (layout-01) can also be used when space is more restricted or if the form is more complex.

      For more information on spacing in forms, see our form style guidance.


      Main elements

      Indicate the current step

      • Keeping the user informed of where they currently are within the process or task at hand will give them a sense of control. This helps the user to know where they are in relation to where they have been, and what sections are to follow.
      • When it comes to labels or optional labels in progress indicator, it is best to keep them short, descriptive, and meaningful. Avoid using complex words or sentences and use one or two words instead.


      Labels indicate steps which users need to complete to accomplish a task. Avoid vague terms like “Loading” and “Processing”.

      Optional label

      Optional labels indicate a step as optional or additional context about a step. Optional label is required when there step is invalid or in the error state.

      Overflow content

      • When there is not enough space, consider rewording the label or truncate the label text with an ellipsis and provide a tooltip to convey additional information.

      • Long optional labels may wrap to a second line, and this is preferable to truncation.

      • Optional label should wrap beneath the label so both types of label are always left aligned.

        IMAGE TK: find high res version of Figma prototype

      Further guidance

      For further content guidance, see Carbon’s content guidelines.


      Logical progression

      Display the steps in order from left to right. Indicate to the user that they are performing a multistep process, and show the direction of movement. Allow the user to return to a previous step to review their data submission.

      Indicate the current step

      Keeping the user informed of where they currently are within the process or task at hand will give them a sense of control. This helps the user to know where they are in relation to where they have been, and what sections are to follow. Clear labels should accompany the progress indicator to indicate what the user will accomplish within each step. Keep labels between one to two words.


      Progress indicator has five main progress states: incomplete, current, completed, error, and disabled and two main interactive states: focus and hover. View the Style tab for more visual presentation of each state

      IncompleteWhen users have not interacted with the information within a step
      CurrentWhen users are interacting with the info within the current step
      CompletedWhen users complete filling out the information within a step
      ErrorWhen users have interacted with the information within the step but have not completed the step. There could also be an error or failure has occurred during the process. It should provide clear information about the error and guidance on how to resolve the issue
      DisabledWhen the user cannot interact with a component and all interactive functions have been removed. Unlike read-only states, disabled states are not focusable, are not read by screen readers, and do not need to pass visual contrast, making them inaccessible if they need to be interpreted.
      HoverWhen a user’s mouse cursor is hovering over the progress indicator’s step
      FocusWhen a user tabs to or clicks on the progress indicator’s step, the step becomes focused, indicating the user has successfully navigated to the component.



      Users can trigger a state change by clicking anywhere in the step progress area.


      One tab should be selected by default. Users can navigate between tabs by pressing right or left arrow keys.. For additional keyboard interactions, see the Accessibility tab.

      Screen readers

      VoiceOver: Users can navigate between tabs by pressing right or left arrow keys.

      JAWS: Users can navigate between tabs by pressing right or left arrow keys.

      NVDA: Users can navigate between tabs by pressing right or left arrow keys.

      For additional information, see screen reader tests.


      When possible, use validation to confirm that a step has been completed before the user continues. If any entry is invalid, the progress indicator should show an error state. Additionally, the invalid entry should be marked with an error state and include an inline error message that helps the user understand the problem and how to fix it. This kind of inline validation (aka client-side validation) should happen as soon as the field loses focus.

      If the user cannot proceed due to a server-side issue, then an Inline Notification should appear.

      Example of progress indicator used with validation

      Responsive behavior

      Display the steps in order from left to right or top to bottom. Indicate to the user that they are performing a multistep process, and show the direction of movement. Allow the user to return to a previous step to review their data submission.

      Default selection

      Clickable areas


      Component type name




      Help us improve this component by providing feedback, asking questions, and leaving any other comments on GitHub.